Chapter 7.1 : Ressources at AMU Mesocentre

Group and Storage:
  • A Linux group named grayscott (ID 609) has been created. All users will be attached to this group, allowing you to exchange files autonomously by modifying Unix permissions.
  • Each user will have 15GB of storage on /scratch and 15GB on /home.
Project Allocation:
  • A project named grayscott has been created (#SBATCH -A grayscott). This project is available to all users and is limited to using up to 4 GPUs and 40 CPU cores.
  • The project has been allocated a total of 8000 hours of compute time. Note that when a reservation is active, SLURM considers the project to be consuming hours even if no job is submitted.
  1. Week 1: CPU Reservation - Name: grayscottcpu (#SBATCH --reservation=grayscottcpu) - Partition: skylake (#SBATCH -p skylake) - Nodes: skylake4] - Core Count: 40 (20 cores per node)
  1. Week 2: GPU Reservation - Name: grayscottgpu (#SBATCH --reservation=grayscottgpu) - Partition: volta (#SBATCH -p volta) - Nodes: gpu016 - Core Count: 32